Counseling Courses
We are of the firm belief that each person only uses 10% of their minds potential – for this reason we strive to assist others to unlock their full potential through our life coaching and counselling techniques. What is holding a person back from reaching their true potential? Something we specialize in and have had great success in assisting many people to achieve their goals and reach those higher levels of operating in life.
Life has many knocks and barriers and we can assist a person to get through these with our very
precise and workable counselling techniques.
Life Repair Programme
A series of counselling steps custom designed to each person that will address areas of life that could be holding one back as well as tap into suppressed potential that will assist you to reach those goals and dreams.
Trauma Reduction
A form of counselling to specifically address times of trauma both physical and mental and reduce these so that they are no longer hindering a person’s everyday living.